The CrAL project partners are preparing for the pilot phase in which teachers and trainers will learn about the methodology of “creative audiovisual writing and reading” and then experience it with their students. First, we start with the blended course for teachers and trainers which will last 3 months. 60 selected teachers from five countries will take the course, and then, will work 300 students.
The six piloting partners will run the course in their national language. The course includes theoretical and practical content in 10 modules, as well as 5 face-to-face workshops to share and discuss the results of the practical assignments. Teachers will acquire technical and transversal skills to produce audiovisual content, which they will then transfer to the students in their classrooms.
While partners are finalizing the preparations, with the start of the new school year they also started selecting the teachers for the course. More updates on how the course will be organized in each country will follow. Stay tuned!