Implementation of the CrAL online course for teachers in Croatia

The Center of technical culture Rijeka has started implementing an online course for teachers as a part of the CrAL project. Sixteen teachers from all over Croatia (Varaždin, Zagreb, Karlovac, Buje, Osijek, Rijeka) are taking the online course, and so far 4 online meetings have been held where we commented on the lessons and gave […]
The presentation of the CrAL project at the Colombian Conference ‘Aula sin muros’

Last October, the CrAL Creative Audiovisual Laboratory project was presented at the ‘Aula Sin Muros’ (Classroom Without Walls) conference, organized by the Edumedia-3 Chair of the Technological University of Pereira (Colombia). These talks addressed issues related to media and information literacy in teacher training, a main thematic line of the CrAL project. The event was […]
Piloting activities: first meeting for Umbrian Schools

Three weeks ago EGInA started its work with schools within the piloting activities of the project. It organised 2 meetings involving more or less 30 teachers from the following umbrian high schools: Liceo Statale “Pieralli”, based in Perugia Liceo Statale “Plinio il Giovane”, based in Città di Castello Polo Liceale “G.Mazzatinti”, based in Gubbio IIS […]
The presentation of the CrAL project at the ICBSA Auditorium

On 19 September 2022 the CrAL Creative Audiovisual Lab project was presented in the auditorium of the Istituto Centrale per I beni sonori e audiovisivi. The protagonist of the event was Annio Stasi who introduced the speeches by Mery Tortolini, creator of the methodology, by the director of ICBSA, and by two officials involved in […]
CrAL partners meet in Athens

Last 24th and 25th October, our Greek partner HOU hosted the 4th Transnational partners meeting in Athens, Greece. This event was organized to make the point on the project past months and to plan the future activities. During the meeting, the work packages were addressed and discussed one by one, from those already completed, to […]
CrAL multiplier event was organized in Lithuania

The 28th September 2022 was an important date for the CrAL project in Lithuania – the first multiplier event was organized by project partner association “Langas į ateitį“. The main goals of the event were to gain support for the CrAL project from strategic players in non-formal education sector and to introduce the pilot trainings […]
The CrAL project soon start the blended course for teachers

The CrAL project partners are preparing for the pilot phase in which teachers and trainers will learn about the methodology of “creative audiovisual writing and reading” and then experience it with their students. First, we start with the blended course for teachers and trainers which will last 3 months. 60 selected teachers from five countries […]
Our Training Course Instructional document is published!

The Instructional document for teachers is the main tool for adapting and upscaling the methodology “Creative Audiovisual Writing and Reading”, developed in Italy over the past 30 years. It is for CrAL partners who will soon pilot the methodology, but also for any other organization interested in it. The authors of the methodology are Annio […]
Thinking through images: A story of ten lessons by Annio Gioacchino Stasi

In this blogpost, we take a deeper look at the ten video lessons at the heart of the audiovisual and film literacy training course we are preparing for teachers in September. While enjoying your summer holidays, we invite you to read the story of the CrAL (Creative Audiovisual Labs) course told by its author and instructor […]
SAVE THE DATE for the ALL DIGITAL Summit 2022

The ALL DIGITAL Summit 2022 takes place in Prague on 28-30 September 2022. It focuses on how digital (and other) skills can help people make the best of the digital transformation. Skills are a key enabler – without them digital technology will remain an opportunity for the privileged few. The Summit 2022 is titled “Shaping […]