CrAL project towards the 2030 Digital Decade targets

The Digital Decade sets out goals for 2030: 80% of Europeans with basic digital skills + 20 million ICT specialists. The Communication ‘Digital Compass: The European Way for the Digital Decade’ set out digital ambitions for the next decade in the form of clear, concrete targets. The digital compass uses the 4 points of the compass to […]

CrAL presented to teachers in Rijeka

On Friday, April 22nd, the Center of Technical Culture Rijeka presented the methodology of the CrAL project in Rijeka, in front of thirty professors and representatives of non-governmental organizations from the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. As part of the presentation of the methodology, the participants were briefly introduced to the CrAL project, as well as its […]

The Training of Tutors from the perspective of DAISSy HOU. What’s next?

The CrAL Tutors’ team of the DAISSy Research Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) participated at the Creative Audiovisual Lab (CrAL) Training of Tutors on May 23, 24 and 25th. DAISSy’s tutors were among the 25 tutors from Italy, Spain, Belgium, Greece, Croatia and Lithuania who were trained by the experts in audiovisual writing and […]

The Autonomous University of Barcelona hosts the Training of Trainers of CrAL project

The Autonomous University of Barcelona hosted the Training of Tutors of the #CrAL project on May 23, 24 and 25th. During these three days, the experts in audiovisual writing and reading Annio Gioacchino Stasi and Mery Tortolini trained 23 tutors from Italy, Spain, Belgium, Greece, Croatia and Lithuania. Paticipants of the ToT experienced the methodology of creative […]

CrAL promoted at Didacta Italia in Florence

Last week EGInA participated as exhibitor at DIDACTA ITALIA in Florence. DIDACTA is the most important event about innovation and the future of schools. CrAL was promoted as an Erasmus+ project with a special paper card that EGInA realised with all the main information and results to hand out to all participants and visitors. Since […]

CrAL project featured at the ALL DIGITAL weeks 2022

On 24th March, ALL DIGITAL hosted a webinar on the topic “Innovative approached to enhancing media literacy of students and teachers”. The event took place during the second week of this year’s ALL DIGITAL Weeks. It put the focus on two Erasmus+ projects for students and teachers. In AMeLiE, teachers work with their students on […]

All Digital Weeks in Lithuania with Attention to Critical Thinking

Being a member of the pan-European network ALL DIGITAL since 2010, Association Langas į ateitį has been coordinating the annual European ALL DIGITAL Weeks (ADW) campaigns in Lithuania aiming to help people of all ages who are most in need of digital literacy. This year, the campaign across Europe has already started and will last […]

Why critical thinking?

Critical thinking is a rich concept that has been developing throughout the past 2,500 years.  In this article, we will offer a few definitions of critical thinking which together form a trans-disciplinary conception of this term. Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, and evaluating information gathered from […]

A Manifesto on Creative audiovisual labs

Within the project activities, EGInA, project partner from Italy, has realised a Manifesto in order to collect all the main principles that should guide teachers and trainers during the creative audiovisual labs training sessions. The Manifesto has been produced based on the “Creative audiovisual writing and reading” methodology, developed by Annio Gioacchino Stasi and Mery Tortolini […]

The CrAL platfrom is ready!

The DAISSy Reserach Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU) has been working for months on designing and developing the online interactive CrAL platform, and now we are proud to announce that it is ready. The innovative platform rises to the challenge of engaging the educational and local communities of the five participating countries (Italy, […]