The CrAL project soon start the blended course for teachers

The CrAL project partners are preparing for the pilot phase in which teachers and trainers will learn about the methodology of “creative audiovisual writing and reading” and then experience it with their students. First, we start with the blended course for teachers and trainers which will last 3 months. 60 selected teachers from five countries […]
CrAL presented to teachers in Rijeka

On Friday, April 22nd, the Center of Technical Culture Rijeka presented the methodology of the CrAL project in Rijeka, in front of thirty professors and representatives of non-governmental organizations from the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. As part of the presentation of the methodology, the participants were briefly introduced to the CrAL project, as well as its […]
CrAL project presented at “INSTRUCTION-Upskilling school teachers for education-work transition” event in Greece

The DAISSy Reserach Group of the Hellenic Open University (HOU), presented the Creative Audiovisual Lab for the promotion of critical thinking and media literacy (CrAL) at the multiplier event titled “INSTRUCTION-Upskilling school teachers for education-work transition”. The event was organized by the Hellenic Open University (HOU) – DAISSy Research Group, and took place on the […]