The training of teachers requires that they experiment with their own concepts and representative actions that will be proposed in educational actions to students.
I Moment “The Ideation”
It concerns the theoretical and practical concepts of the creation of “representative images”. The concept of “imaginative reaction”, is different from that of “observational perception”. This difference makes it clear that representational thinking through images has a different value from that based on observation and perception.
In fact, the images produced have underlined those “conflicts” that, during the conceptual phase, are at the base of the search for “generating images” for the construction of a story form.
The image is an element that modifies reality and takes on an autonomous value. Places become sets; people become characters. The image expresses the sense of the conflictual relationship. The representative image, derived from a recreational process, originates in those who experience it, an emotional/imaginative involvement. The representative thinking in the relationship between those who realize it and those who receive it has an essential component in the elaboration of the form. Those who compose the form must, through a dramaturgy of events, involve the public to participate in the creation
II Moment “Construction of the project form”
The entire methodological approach implies a practical-theoretical approach in which the realization of the “visual thought” is formed. This becomes evident when the participants themselves become compositional elements in the image. For this purpose, live footage of what happens in the Workshop is made and consequently reworked and shown. This is the practical explication of a principle underlying the self-reflective quality of representative thinking: thinking and understanding by the making of images.
The articulation of the vision process, in which those who make images assume a point of view, requires a separation from perceived reality; this articulation becomes evident when the distinction between the reality of the person filmed and the construction of the character is made. The fundamental concept is that reality is used in the images reproduced to represent meaning through a narrative dramaturgical structure. It is essential to understand that the vision of this process in the participants implies an individual time of elaboration and maturation.
III Moment ” From the project form to the realization
and creative speculation”
It concerns the formation of the point of view or “field of vision”. The images of the environments and spaces experienced let emerge not only the representative images and the points of view of the trainers but also those of such subjects, to whom the work would subsequently be proposed in the application phase of the project in order to accomplish a need for a visual and dialectical relationship. Emerges a common point of view between teachers and students identifiable with the expressions of “field and counter-field“.